Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Fotos: direitos reservados

Está a melhorar, com a chegada da primavera a ilha é muito mais apelativa, torna-se simplesmente e em determinados dias, um dos melhores lugares para deslumbrar a natureza, as paisagens, a vida!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

João Coelho da Rocha ... "Função"


A função rege-se a primor
Com o enfeitar do bezerro a sacrificar
Benzido pelo poder celestial e terreno
A consumir no repasto festivo
Em que os paroquianos alegres
Em convívio celebram na tarde soalarenga
As dádivas do ano
Na crença de Deus

João Coelho da Rocha 28-04-07 Lisboa

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Golf humour

Many jokes revolve around the game of golf, either as a setting for an otherwise generic punchline or as the target of a barb. Mark Twain's definition of golf was "a good walk spoiled."[25] John McEnroe asked rhetorically, in reference to whether golf is a sport, "I thought a sport was where you had to run or something." Winston Churchill once described golf as "...a game whose aim is to hit a very small ball into a even smaller hole, with weapons singularly ill-designed for the purpose." Some business people like to say, "The worst day on the golf course is better than the best day at work." It is also noted that J.R.R. Tolkien said that golf originated from hobbits, after Bullroarer Took knocked the goblin king Golfimbul's head off with a wooden club, sending it down a rabbit hole thus winning the battle and inventing golf at the same time. During a stand up comedy act, Robin Williams did an entire set related to the invention of the sport by drunk Scots.

Fonte: wikipédia

"Canada dos Pastos " Free Style Golf Course

photo: Free Style Golf Course Outdoor Report

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Os Meus Videos!

Aqui ao lado, na coluna da direita, vão estar disponíveis alguns videos realizados pela gerência do BangBang!
Vejam com muita atenção!

No Rallye de Portugal 2007

Serra de Tavira!